How to Organize a Holiday Lights Display Contest

Bring your community together with a festive tradition that spreads joy and brightens everyone’s holiday season.

The holiday season is a magical time of the year, where homes come alive with twinkling lights and cheerful decorations. There’s something incredibly heartwarming about seeing houses adorned with festive lights, a universal symbol of holiday cheer.

Organizing a neighborhood holiday lights contest is a great way to boost community spirit, encourage creativity, and make lasting memories. This guide will walk you through each step to set up a successful and enjoyable contest.

Step 1: Share the Idea and Get Neighbors On Board

The first step in organizing a holiday lights display contest is to see if your neighbors are interested. Start by talking to people around you and sharing the idea. If your neighborhood has a homeowner’s association or a neighborhood watch group, these can be great places to bring up the contest and get people excited about participating. This tradition not only helps foster a sense of community but also adds an element of friendly competition, making the holiday season even more fun and engaging.

Once you’ve gathered some interested participants, you can move forward with planning the event.

To get the word out, have casual conversations with your neighbors. Explain how the contest could bring everyone together and create a festive atmosphere on your street. Also, consider using community platforms like Nextdoor or Facebook groups to post about the contest. You might even mention it at local meetings or neighborhood gatherings.

To keep everything organized, form a small planning team. Find a few volunteers who are excited about the idea and assign tasks like promoting the event, organizing the voting process, and securing prizes for the winners. With a solid team in place, you’ll be ready to get the contest off the ground.

Step 2: Plan the Contest Details

Once you have interest from your neighbors, it’s time to get organized. Clear rules and a timeline ensure that everyone knows what to expect and can participate fully.

Set a Schedule

  • Sign-Up Period: Decide when people can register to participate.
  • Decorating Deadline: Set a date by which all decorations should be up.
  • Viewing Dates: Choose dates when everyone can check out the displays.
  • Voting Period: Decide when and how long voting will take place.
  • Winner Announcement: Pick a date to reveal the winner

When setting the rules for your contest, start by outlining who can join. Make it inclusive by opening the contest to everyone in the neighborhood, encouraging participation from all ages and house types.

For decoration guidelines, ensure that displays are visible from the street and establish quiet hours, such as lights off by 10 PM, to respect your neighbors. Also, remind participants to keep sidewalks clear and avoid using any decorations that could pose a safety risk.

Next, decide on categories and prizes. You can create a variety of categories, such as Best Traditional Display, Most Creative Theme, Best Use of Lights, Kids’ Choice Award, and Greenest Display for the most eco-friendly setup. As for prizes, consider awarding fun certificates, homemade trophies, gift cards to local shops, or even yard signs announcing the winners.

Step 3: Figure Out the Voting Process

To ensure fairness and make voting easy for everyone, it’s important to establish a clear process. Start by deciding on a timeline for when the decorations should be up and when voting will take place. You’ll also need to determine the method of voting, whether it’s through an online poll, a ballot box at a central location, or a judging panel.

Additionally, you may want to set guidelines for the types of decorations allowed. For inclusivity, ask that all decorations be visible from the street and avoid excessive noise-making elements to respect neighbors.

When it comes to voting, you have a few options. Online voting can be done using tools like Google Forms, where you can share the link with neighbors. For paper ballots, you could create physical ballots, drop them off at each home, and set up a collection box at a convenient spot. Alternatively, you could select a judging panel made up of unbiased community members, providing them with clear criteria for selecting winners.

To keep the process fun and fair, make voting simple by providing clear instructions and limiting it to one vote per household. Engage the entire community by encouraging everyone to participate, even if they didn’t decorate. You could even organize a voting party or a walk-through night to bring neighbors together.

Step 4: Spread the Word

Promotion plays a crucial role in the success of any event. The more awareness you generate about the contest, the more participants and voters you’ll attract, which adds to the excitement.

To promote the contest, start by creating visually appealing flyers that clearly outline the event details. Distribute them directly to homes in the neighborhood and post them in popular areas where they’re likely to be seen.

Leverage social media by posting updates and reminders on neighborhood pages, and send out emails with all the necessary information to ensure everyone stays informed.

Another great way to increase engagement is by involving local businesses. Reach out to them for sponsorships, asking if they can provide prizes or discounts, and offer to promote their support in return. You can also aim to get the contest featured in community newsletters or bulletins for additional exposure.

Step 5: Encourage Everyone to Participate

Inclusivity is key to making the event more enjoyable and building stronger community connections. By offering help and making participation accessible, you can ensure a more vibrant and diverse display of holiday lights.

You can start by offering helpful ideas. Share some easy DIY decoration tips and point your neighbors to resources for budget-friendly decorating options. Another way to assist is by organizing a community swap meet for decorations or arranging bulk purchases for supplies, helping everyone save a little money.

Make sure the event is inclusive. Encourage neighbors to team up and help each other, especially those who may need assistance. Don’t forget to include everyone, such as apartment buildings or senior centers, to ensure a true community-wide experience. To recognize everyone’s efforts, consider giving each participant a small thank-you gift or certificate. Additionally, you can feature all the decorated homes on a neighborhood map so everyone can admire the hard work that went into their displays.

Step 6: Get Ready for the Big Display

As the decorating deadline approaches, it’s time to get ready for the viewing period. It’s important to make sure that everyone can enjoy the displays safely and conveniently.

One way to prepare is by creating a map of the participating homes. An online map using Google Maps can be a great way to mark all the decorated homes, and you can easily share the link with neighbors so they can plan their viewing route. For those who prefer a physical map, consider providing printed copies and leaving them at local spots like coffee shops or community centers.

Organizing viewing events is a fun way to get people involved. You could arrange a group walk, where neighbors gather to stroll through the streets together, enjoying the lights. For an extra festive touch, offer some hot chocolate or cookies at a designated meeting point. Alternatively, you could plan specific drive-by nights where people can admire the displays from their cars. Just make sure to encourage safe driving and be mindful of traffic during these events.

To ensure safety, remind participants to light up walkways and keep cords and decorations off sidewalks. Depending on the current health situation, you may also want to suggest social distancing measures. For those who can’t attend in person, offering virtual tours or photo galleries is a great way to make the event accessible to everyone.

Step 7: Collect Votes and Count Them Up

After everyone has had a chance to enjoy the dazzling displays, it’s time to gather votes and determine the winners. A well-organized approach will ensure that voting is accurate and fair.

Make voting easy by sending out reminders as the deadline approaches and making sure everyone knows how and where to vote. If needed, offer help to neighbors who may have trouble voting online or need assistance with the process.

To keep things fair, monitor the voting to ensure that no one votes more than once. Being transparent about how the votes are counted will also help build trust and ensure the process is seen as fair by all.

Step 8: Announce the Winners and Celebrate

Once the votes are in, it’s time to announce the winners and celebrate. Recognizing the efforts of all participants and coming together as a community will help make the event even more memorable.

If possible, host an awards ceremony where you can announce the winners in person. Keep it simple, but include some refreshments and maybe even some music to make it fun. If an in-person gathering isn’t possible, consider making the announcement online and sharing photos of the winning displays.

When it comes to presenting prizes, you could personally hand out the awards or place winner signs in the yards of those who came out on top. Don’t forget to publicly recognize the winners on social media or community websites, and maybe even share their decorating tips or stories to inspire others.

Step 9: Wrap Up and Look Ahead

After the festivities, take some time to reflect on the event’s success. Gathering feedback and documenting the highlights will help with planning future events and maintaining the sense of community that’s been built.

Send out a short survey to participants asking what they enjoyed and what could be improved. Collect suggestions for future contests to keep things fresh and engaging.

Be sure to document the fun by creating a shared photo album of all the decorated homes and encouraging neighbors to contribute their own photos. Save any promotional materials and planning notes so you’ll have them for next year.

As you wrap up, start thinking about next year. Discuss the possibility of making the contest an annual event, and consider forming a small committee to help with future planning.

Extra Tips and Ideas

To make the contest even more memorable, consider adding some special touches. For example, you could incorporate a charitable aspect, such as hosting a food or toy drive during the viewing events or raising money for a community project or local cause.

To add even more fun, try hosting themed nights like “Pajama Night” or “Crazy Hat Night,” or set up festive photo spots where families can take holiday pictures.

Remember to prioritize safety. Remind participants to avoid overloading electrical outlets and to check their lights and cords for any damage. Encourage everyone to secure their decorations, especially in case of wind or snow, and to regularly check that everything remains safe throughout the event.

Wishing You a Bright and Happy Holiday Season!

A neighborhood holiday lights contest is a wonderful way to bring joy and togetherness to your community. By following these steps, you’ll create an event that not only lights up your streets but also warms everyone’s hearts. Here’s to starting a new tradition that shines bright for years to come!At Mary’s Holiday Lights, we’re all about making the holidays special. If you need help bringing your neighborhood contest to life, we’re here for you. Let’s make this the best holiday season yet!